
At the heart of our sustainability efforts is our sustainability arm - The Land and Life Foundation. This arm actively calculate our carbon footprint as part of the commitment to addressing climate change and striving for net-zero emissions.

A carbon footprint encompasses the total greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere from various activities, whether individual, group, place, product or organization, all contributing to global warming and climate change.

With steadfast support from Land & Life Foundation, we track and evaluate energy consumption and transportation emissions across all our properties and associated business units. This process not only provides valuable insights but also steers us towards the implementation of comprehensive sustainability strategies and greener practices aimed at minimizing our carbon footprint.

Furthermore, through the initiatives of the Land & Life Foundation, climate change awareness training is provided for all our staff across our properties. These efforts inspire positive behaviour change, fostering a collective effort to reduce carbon footprint at both individual and organizational levels.

Join us in our journey towards a more sustainable future!

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